Friday, July 22, 2011


Last weekend I went to a hospital for medical check up. I am supposed to follow several procedures like blood test, urine test, thorax, and many more. About 3 months ago, I had medical check up as an employment procedure. I did all those things too. To my knowledge (also based on most people say), I can’t do thorax twice in 6 months timeframe. So, I came to the doctor and said that I couldn’t do thorax as I already did it within last 3 months. Doctor asked me who told me that and forced me to do thorax again. I resisted and am a bit angry at her. I thought as a doctor, she didn’t think of my safety and health. This doctor must be crazy. At least, that is what I had in mind at the time. But the doctor insisted, she said that she won’t analyze all my medical check up if I didn’t take thorax. She even asked me to go to another hospital if I refused to do it. Finally she asked me this question,”Who told you that it is dangerous? Is it someone from here? Why don’t you ask me why I think it is not dangerous?”. When she said that, I stop talking and suddenly there’s a thought running in my head. I picked the hospital myself, I picked the doctor. I have a free will and I picked her and this hospital. So this hospital and the doctor must be good. Therefore, I have to trust them. I am not the doctor. She’s the doctor. She knows better than me.

What I learned from this experience is that we actually treat our God this way every day. I believe each and every one of you takes some time in the morning just to pray and surrender everything to God. You surrender your life, your job, your business, your family, and every single thing that you care the most. Yet, you are still worried about everything. For instance, suppose that your project which is important for your career is behind schedule. You would be anxious. You’d think you already ruined your career life because you think this project is the only way to get the promotion. See?! Who’s the God now? Every time you did your best and surrender it to God, be relaxed and have faith in God. He knows what to do with your life way much better than you do.

I didn’t say that you stop doing anything and start praying only. I say you do what you have to do and surrender it to God, and let God do the rest. You don’t have to do something which isn’t your part. Surrendering it yet getting worried about it is like telling God not to intervene in our life. So, what’s the point of surrender? It’s like the story I told you up there. The doctor knows better how to get a good analysis on my medical check up which is to also get the thorax examination. But, I refused to do that. It is conflicted. I chose her to examine my health yet I don’t trust her fully.

So, fellow readers, let’s not get conflicted in things we do. When you surrender everything to God, make sure you really do that in your real life. I hope it’s not just part of prayer you should say or ask to God. He is more than happy to take control of your life if you let Him.

God bless.


Batari Saraswati said...

eh tapi bukannya thorax dua kali dalam 3 bulan itu memang berbahaya ya? *ga fokus*

Gli`AzzuRRo said...

ternyata ngga, Bat. Itu berbahaya kalau pake alat yang jadul banget (yang kalau dipake masih harus matiin lampu segala itu)..

Kalo yang sekarang itu, alatnya cuma ngeluarin radiasi kecil. Jadi stiap thorax lo tanya berapa satuan radiasi alatnya. Katanya sih tubuh manusia masih mampu nahan 5 satuan radiasi setaun (kalo g gak salah inget ya)

Belajar Photoshop said...

experiencing or marked by ambivalence or a conflict especially of emotions..