Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Irony of Christmas 2010

I believe that we had a very good Christmas last week. I refer to series of Christmas parties on different places, different host, and different messages. Those celebrations have planted a typical paradigm of Christmas for all of us. If there’s a question popped up regarding what Christmas is, then most people would come up with idea of celebration, Santa Claus and gifts/presents, or something similar with those things.

Well, I didn’t say it’s wrong. Christmas is a reminder of the day when God gave His only Son for sinful people, for us. So Christmas is just like a birthday. The difference is this birthday belongs to someone mighty and holy. So, celebration is one of the ways to relive Christmas. But, deeper than that, we're still missing something about Christmas. It’s ‘giving’ and ‘love’. I will elaborate these in my next paragraph.

Christmas talks about God giving his only Son for earth. Earth represents sin while God is holy. Not only God GAVE His only Son, but also He gave away something precious of HIS like His Throne, His Holy Place. As you see, God gave something and that something is priceless.
Knowing that God gave His precious for us, we might wonder why He did that. The one and only reason He did this is because He’s too in love with us. He loves us. I would understand if your logic would take more time to digest upon reading my last statement. You can’t just give away your valuable one because of love. But, that’s the fact. I won’t go any further discussing this irrational love. Let’s assume you understand this.

Concluding what’s mentioned above, Christmas is about giving your valuables one for those who’s in need as a manifestation of loving them. So, if you really want to relive the spirit of Christmas in present day, all you have to do is just to love others. That means to give something valuable to people who are in need. Of course, practice could be done in many ways, like throwing Christmas party for needed, or visiting orphanage, or simply sitting down with people you love the most and do a quality time. Whichever way you choose, as long as it’s done because of your love, you’re reliving spirit of Christmas.
Merry Christmas 2010! God bless.

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