Regard to what my friend wrote about On Learning and Doing What You Love, I am triggered to write something about that. Certainly, it will be another point of view.
Off to the topic. I totally agree with point brought in the posting. Stop learning after college and looking for the best-offerings company have been the stereotype for majority of college student. Though, they do not know whether what they’re doing right now is what they love or not.
Ideally, they should love what they do. They should choose something they love since they will be fighting for it in the rest of their life. But, some of them, sometimes, have a situation, a condition that leaves them no option. Perhaps, some of them do realize that what they are doing right now is something they don’t love. But they must do it.
For the sake of clearness, allow me offer you an illustration. I am facing the choices of occupation. They are a lecturer and customer insight manager. I love being a lecturer. That is my dream. But, right now, I need money to afford things in life. My family needs my support. My little brother has not finished his college and my parents are running out of some cash right now. Being a lecturer would be a wrong choice at that time. Even though, I don’t love being a customer insight manager. For a matter of fact, it supplies me and my family more than enough. Eventually, the situation leaves me with no option, does it?
I do suggest you to do what you love. But, we can’t do that sometimes. Life is about choices. Let me take another example. Anne and Lucy were separated since their parents decided to divorce. Their parents’ divorce was triggered by his mother’s affair with another man. Anne, first, chose to go with daddy, and Lucy chose to go with mom. After ten years, Anne lives in wealthy and Lucy lives in a poor family. What do you think?
Lucy chose the wrong side? Do you think Lucy really wanted to choose to be with her mother? No. Anne picked her side first. It is to be with her father. Then, the situation made Lucy got no option. She couldn’t leave their mother alone. She had to choose her, although she didn’t like to.
What I am trying to say above is sometimes we could not do what we love; we could not get what we want, and so on. But, still, choices are right there for us to pick. Whatever the choices would be, we should choose something for our own good.
Fellow readers, like I said before, I totally agree with doing something I love rather than something I don’t. But let me complete it with my point of view as written up there. Conclusion, do what you love or love what you do! Whatever we do as long as it is good for us and anyone else, it will bring something in return. Since we were born to be great, weren’t we?
See you at the top!